Lord's Leading VS. God's Calling

Wouldn't you think that they are one in the same. Well that's what I would say but sometimes it can be confusing. When we think about the Lord Leading in our life we sometimes connect that with a feeling. At times we can feel like the Lord is leading us a certain direction because that is where we want to go or want to do. I think God does work in this way and that we should listen to God when He speaks to us. When I think of God's calling I think that it might be more audible or even forceful. This is where I feel God pushes us to something that we may not want to do. He has to call us and tell us where to go or what to do.

I feel that both avenues are valid for God to use to direct us to the places we should go. My rub is when we use these words or phrases to get what we want out of life. Sometimes we say it is God's calling or that He is leading me a direction simply because that is what I want. We use this as a post blessing. We think that if we say the words then it must be true. God must have been calling us there because I said he was. I am not saying that I have never been guilty of this in my life, but my question in how do we know that it truly is God?

I think that there are many scriptures we can reference that will help us determine this. We can pray, but when we pray if we do all the talking are we really listening to what God has to say or are we listening to ourselves. We can also talk with our community of believers. There must be a combination of all of these things to be able to truly listen to God.

Final thought, don't and I repeat do not use God as a cop-out to do something you shouldn't or that you just want to do. Well God told me to go out with this boy/girl. God told me that I need a change so I am going to another church. God wants me to witness to people in southern California. I am supposed to buy this big house because God wants me to live comfortably. Do not do this, you want to go out with that person because you think they are cute, you want to go to another church because you think you might like it better, you want to go to S. Cali because it is warm there, you want to be comfortable in your big house. Does God really say to do these things in the Bible? Like I said before don't use God as a way to bless the things you want to do. Call it as it is, If it is God leading then good if not then it is something you want.