What's the Difference

I have been experiencing a big difference in how ministry is done from one church to another and from one region of the country to another. Let me clarify ministry is still ministry and has most of the same elements. The difference come in you application of these elements. While working on a bigger staff you can create different materials and curriculum with ease because of the different members involved. While working in a small church you could still produce the same type of things if you want to do it all yourself, if you want to kill yourself.

I am not saying that it is impossible, it is but at what cost? If you are stuffed away in your office writing curriculum or designing graphics is this the best use of your time? There are many places that can create an amazing curriculum and designs for you. Why do larger churches feel like they can not use these items. Is it pride. If a youth minister or children minister is able to purchase the finest materials out there why shouldn't we.

For me I do not need to be known at the most intellectual or deep thinker. I do not think this is the best way to benefit the local church. I want to be known for my relationships and the time that I invested into others. I want to be able to show Christ's love to people instead of telling them how to in a new theological way.

Haiti in the Limelight

I always find it interesting when a disaster happens in foreign country. It seems at times that we would not have a clue to what is happening in the world unless some catastrophe happens that brings it into the limelight. Why have we not thought of Haiti and all the problems that are happening there before the earthquake? Why has it not been the focus of the nations attention until there is resolution in Haiti?
I know that there are lots of missions and orphanages in Haiti that have helped and supported the Haitian people for many years. There are actually more than I would have imagined. Why do we not care more about these places when there is no disaster? Is it a lack of information? Unfortunately it is not due to a lack of information but a lack of compassion. I am guilty of this just as much as the last person.
If it were not for the trip that we are planning on in Haiti before the earthquake I would not know anything about Haiti. Hearing stories and learning about the corruption that is in this country my heart breaks for them. From headlines to headlines we see how we can help Haiti and the people there. I can not help to wonder how long this will last? How long will the mass of our nation care for the Haitians?
What is another country like Haiti that needs help but we are too blind to see it until some disaster happens there?

What's Up

So, I am finally getting back into the blogging world. This time I will be an active participant instead of just an observer. I am excited to be able to get my thoughts out of my head and into the world. Who knows who will be reading this but I hope that some people will come and take a look.

To fill you in on what is new with my life I started as the Student Minster at First Christian Church of Lamar in December. I feel like my first month has been a whirlwind of excitement and busyness. Starting a new possition at a church durring one of their busiest times of the year has been interesting. From students being out of school, to getting lessons ready for midweek, to preaching on Christmas Sunday, to Christmas Eve Service, to finding things for my office in storage, to getting settled into new terms and ways of doing things I am exhausted. Just writing it all makes me a little tired.

I am very excited for the possibilities that we have at this church. I am going to start a new project of creating an identity for our group of students. Currently we are simply called FCC youth. This does not seem very exciting to me, or provoke questions about our group. I am wanting to create an identity for this ministry that students can connect to and proudly invite their friends to. I have some ideas but feel free to share your thoughts.